Thursday, November 20, 2008

Useful Remedies You Could Be Using To Clear Your Skin

How To Get Rid Of Acne

As a teenager I suffered from very severe acne and so I always wanted to investigate home remedies to help me cure my acne. This because for one I could try them at the comfort at my home and and two did not have a lot of money to spend on expensive medications.

I have found acne home remedies to be very effective in clearing up acne. As one who have used both prescription drugs, over the counter drugs and acne home remedies, I can relate. Most prescription and over the counter drugs only mask the acne and not treat the root cause and besides some contains chemicals that can also harm your skin.

Discover The Best Acne Treatment Here!

Now that I know all about which solutions work, and which ones don't, I'm able to spread the word, in the hope of other people curing their acne faster than I did, so they don't have to go through the same ordeal as I went through.

After trying several acne home remedies, I have found that just applying a mixture of lemon juice and rose water to your acne and then rinsing with warm water to be one of the best treatment. What you do is to first rinse our face with warm water to remove the dirt and oils from the surface of your skin and then pat dry. Next you mix the rose water and lemon juice in a 50/50 ratio and apply it to your acne. Allow it to stay on for about 30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water and pat dry again.

Another effective Acne Pimple Natural Treatment is the use of potatoes. Potatoes contains some antibacterial properties that kills acne causing bacteria. All you need to do is rinse your face with warm water, pat dry and then slice a potato in half, rub the flat edge on your acne, that's it! The potato also And, it acts as an exfoliater, which will get rid of all the old skin cells around the infected acne areas.

These are simple acne home remedies that can clear your skin. But if you visit our website, you will get a detailed step by step and easy to follow natural acne treatment regime that can cure your acne in only 14 days.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

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